The Community Life Project

We have embarked on an exciting, new initiative to document our Community’s life events!

We are asking current and former Community members to donate both physical (“hard”) and/or digital (“soft”) copies of bar/bat mitzvah and wedding invitations, obituary and birth announcements, lecture flyers, newspaper articles, menus from Community dinners, etc. These items do not need to be of a specifically religious nature but they do need to be linked to the Community. For example, we would be interested to have a news article about a Community member’s business achievements, or a wedding invitation of a Community member, regardless of whether or not the event took place at a synagogue or the JCC.

If you would like to participate, please send physical copies to the JCC Librarian at:

Jewish Community Centre
70 Robinson Road
Mid-Levels, Hong Kong

or digital copies in JPG format (minimum 150 dpi) to:

At that time, please indicate if you do not wish to have them displayed on our website.